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Late Medieval Church “St. Nikola the Miracle-Maker” - village of Slokoshtitsa

Late Medieval Church “St. Nikola the Miracle-Maker” - village of Slokoshtitsa
     The church is situated at the end of the upper quarter of the village Slokoshtitsa, on the left bank of the river Slokoska. It is a small, one-nave and one-apse building with semi cylindrical vault, having already been replaced with an eaves-shaped roof with…
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St. Archangel Michael Medieval Church village of Goranovtsi

St. Archangel Michael Medieval Church village of Goranovtsi
     In fact, the church is located 2 km north of the village of Goranovtsi (17 km from Kyustendil), just before the next village – Dolno Uyno, on the right bank of the river Dragovishtitsa.        In the past, it was part of a…
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St. Peter and Pavel Renaissance Church - village of Prekolnitsa

St. Peter and Pavel Renaissance Church - village of Prekolnitsa
     St. Peter and Pavel is the oldest and the largest Renaissance church within the region of Kamenitsa. It is situated in the center of the village of Prekolnitsa. It is a three-nave basilica with three blank domes and rich decoration of woodcarving of the…
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St. Trinity Church-Monument – village of Gyueshevo

St. Trinity Church-Monument – village of Gyueshevo
     In the close of Bulgarian-Macedonian border, on the trace of the future railway Sofia – Skopie, there was built Trinity Church-monument in the village of Gyueshevo. In the border region during the wars in the beginning of 20th century a lot of Bulgarian soldiers…
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Church St. Teodor Tiron - the village of Sovolyano

Church St. Teodor Tiron - the village of Sovolyano
     The church St. Teodor Tiron was built in 1834 upon the bases of an older shrine. It is the second church, built in the region after the Bishop's Church Virgin Mary's Assumption in the town of Kyustendil in…
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Do you know that:

  • the church “St. George” in Kyustendil is the oldest preserved medieval church in southwestern Bulgaria.
  • the first fruit growing fair in the country was held in Kyustendil in 1896.
  • in the period 1952 - 2010 in the theater of Kyustendil 323 plays by 190 authors were performed .