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Monastery School

     The first Bulgarian school in the city was built in 1820 near the church Virgin Mary's Assumption. It was a monastery school (elementary school during the Ottoman domination until the creation of common schools). The school was housed in a building with one room and the maintenance was given by the church incomes. The educational content was religious and the students were taught in Bulgarian. They studied reading, writing and church singing. The school worked until 1849 when was built a new building for the mutual school in the churchyard and the old monastery school was demolished.


     The mutual school St. St. Kiril and Metodii, which is now wrong called Monastery School was actually a secular elementary school which functioned during the period 1849 – 1888. Firstly, the massive body of the three-nave hall of the school was built. It was with sizes 15 x 10 m. In the 50s of XIX century two more rooms were added to the building. After the Liberation, the number of students increased significantly. In the 90s of XIX century from south were build two rooms and a corridor in connection with the construction of the new building for the School of Pedagogy. The three construction stages were identified during the conservation and restoration works (1977-1981).


     Now the building of the school is used for various cultural events. The school is declared for a cultural monument.


     Address: Ilarion Lovchanski Street, Kyustendil


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