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Late Ancient and Medieval Fortress Hissarluka

     The fortress is situated on the highest flat part of the Hissarluka Hill two kilometers to the southeast of Kysutendil. The fortress was built at the end of 4th and beginning of 5th century. It was readjusted in 6th century and was in use during the time of the First and Second Bulgarian State and was demolished by the Ottomans in 15th century. Many and varied archaeological finds proved that the fortress was used continuously in Ancient and Medieval times.


     The fortress has the shape of an irregular polygon. It is 117 meters by 175 meters in size and its territory is 2,12 hectars. The shape of the fortified area follows the configuration of the terrain. The fortress is protected by round, triangular and rectangular 14 towers. There are two gates and five secret entrances. The main and widest gate is in the eastern wall and is near the main road.


     The fortress wall has different width, which varies from 1.6 meters to 3 meters. The supposed height of the walls is 10 meters and the height of the towers- 12 meters. The building technique is called opus mixtum – a mixed masonry with rhythmically changing layers of stone and brick from 4 or 5 rows of bricks.


     The interesting construction techniques, the combination of different building techniques and materials as well as the excavated archeological monuments from different historical periods define the Hissarluka fortress one of the most important ones in Bulgaria.


     The fortress is a cultural monument of national significance.


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