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Regional Historical Museum Academician Yordan Ivanov

     The Regional Historical Museum Academician Yordan Ivanov in Kyustendil was found in 1897. It is one of the oldest ones in Bulgaria and it has an extremely rich stock and collections from all historical periods.


     The museum has the following sections: Archeology, Etnography, New and Most contemporary history, Renaissance, Scientific group, Funds, Workshop for conservation and restoration, Photo studio and Laboratory,Library and Science Archive, Publishing Point.


     Museum expositions:


      Archeological exposition – it is set up in the exposition hall Asklepius. It includes exhibits from the whole region of Kyustendil. The presented exhibitions and their wide chronological frame give the visitor the opportunity to get information on the cultural-historical development of the region and to get deep back into the centuries - from 7th – 6th century BC till 14th century.


     Numismatic Hall – it is set up in the exposition hall Asklepius and presents a significant part of the museum’s numismatic wealth. The information given by the exhibited coins is complemented by the exposed maps and photos illustrating the coin circulation within the region of Kyustendil.


     Mosque Ahmed Bey – exhibition hall of the museum in Kyustendil.


     House-museum Ilyo Voivoda - hosts an exposition called: “The National Liberation fights of the people from Kyustendil”.


     House-museum Dimiter Peshev – hosts a permanent exhibition with original belongings and photos of Dimiter Peshev


     Emfiedzhieva house - an architectural monument from the Bulgarian Revival period. The museum exhibition “Urban Life and Culture of the Kyustendil population from the end of the XIX century to the beginning of the XX century” is hosted there.


    Address: 2 Stefan Karadzha Street, Kyustendil

    Telephone: 00359 78/550124

    Website: http://www.kyustendilmuseum.primasoft.bg

    Working time: Tuesday - Saturday: 9:00 - 17:00


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Do you know that:

  • the house of Prokopiev is the oldest preserved house of the period of Bulgarian National Revival in Kyustendil.
  • in 1966 Kyustendil was declared a national resort.
  • on the stage of Kyustendil theater for the first time in Bulgaria and in the world Mother by Maxim Gorki was performed.