St. Dimiter Renaissance Church
The church was built in 1864-1865 at the Stambol Kapia Quarter. According to its plan it is a three-nave pseudo-basilica. Most of the icons were painted by the famous artist Ivan Dospevski from the town of Samokov. The sources for the church building and decoration were donated by well-off Kyustendil citizens, clergymen, teachers, craftsmen and others.
In 1865 the town second Renaissance school called Dolnomahalensko (down town) was opened. Dimiter Stoyanov (Daskal Dimitri) was the initiator, donor and teacher in chief.
Address: Boulevard Tsar Osvoboditel, Kyustendil
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Do you know that:
- the famous mountaineer Ludmil Yankov lived in Kyustendil.
- the International Competition for Classical Guitar “Academic Marin Goleminov" is organized annually in Kyustendil.
- the house of Prokopiev is the oldest preserved house of the period of Bulgarian National Revival in Kyustendil.