Monastery School
The first Bulgarian school in the city was built in 1820 near the church Virgin Mary's Assumption. It was a monastery school (elementary school during the Ottoman domination until the creation of common schools). The school was…
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Late Ancient and Medieval Fortress Hissarluka
The fortress is situated on the highest flat part of the Hissarluka Hill two kilometers to the southeast of Kysutendil. The fortress was built at the end of 4th and beginning of 5th century. It was readjusted in 6th century and…
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Regional Historical Museum Academician Yordan Ivanov
The Regional Historical Museum Academician Yordan Ivanov in Kyustendil was found in 1897. It is one of the oldest ones in Bulgaria and it has an extremely rich stock and collections from all historical periods.
The museum has the following sections: Archeology,…
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Emfiedzhieva House
The house was built in 1874 and belonged to Hristo Lazov, a grand master from the guild of Kyustendil and a prominent partisan of the Bulgarian community church in the town. His inheritor traded with snuff, which gave the name of the house.
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House-Museum Dimiter Peshev
Dimiter Peshev was born in Kyustendil in 1894. He is a Bulgarian politician who was minister of justice in the first cabinet of Kiosseivanov and vice-president of XXIV and XXV Ordinary National Assembly. Dimiter Pesehv is known for his role in saving more than…
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Do you know that:
- During the period 1371-1395 Kyustendil was the capital of Velbuzhd’s region.
- two world champions in rhythmic gymnastics - Iliana Ilieva and Tsvetomira Philipova grew up and trained in Kyustendil.
- with the help of Dimiter Peshev nearly 50,000 Jews were saved from sure death.