Iron Bridge over the River Banshtitsa
The iron bridge, also known as The Bridge of the naked women is a bridge over the River Banshtitsa in Kyustendil.
It was built in 1909 and was designed by the architect Rudolf Fischer and it connects the railway station with the…
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Kadin Bridge – village of Nevestino
Kadin Bridge (Bride’s Bridge) is an impressive architectural monument in the centre of Nevestino. This is a Medieval 100-meter long bridge built over the river Struma and has five circle vaults, the highest of which is in the middle. The architecture of the bridge…
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The Cave of St. Ivan Rilski - village of Skrino
St. Ivan Rilski is a Bulgarian cleric - the most famous Bulgarian hermit and saint, celestial protector and patron of Bulgarian people. He was born in 876 in the village of Skrino and died in 946.
Southwest of the village, about half…
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St. Peter and Pavel Renaissance Church - village of Prekolnitsa
St. Peter and Pavel is the oldest and the largest Renaissance church within the region of Kamenitsa. It is situated in the center of the village of Prekolnitsa. It is a three-nave basilica with three blank domes and rich decoration of woodcarving of the…
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St. Trinity Church-Monument – village of Gyueshevo
In the close of Bulgarian-Macedonian border, on the trace of the future railway Sofia – Skopie, there was built Trinity Church-monument in the village of Gyueshevo. In the border region during the wars in the beginning of 20th century a lot of Bulgarian soldiers…
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Do you know that:
- on the stage of Kyustendil theater for the first time in Bulgaria and in the world Mother by Maxim Gorki was performed.
- Hissarluka used to be completely deforested, but at the end of XIX and the beginning of XX century under the guidance of the forester Jordan Mitrev a coniferous forest was started.
- Kyustendil is applying for European Capital of Culture.